Thursday, August 25, 2011

Top tips from the experts: How to get organised

More on this topic will be covered on day one of the ‘Planning & Coordinating a wedding’ two day training course... if you are interested in securing your place visit The Wedding Planning College website.

“I am very organised.....” is one of the things I hear all the time from those interested in becoming a wedding planner... and rightly so, as being organised is one of the key requirements to becoming a successful planner. Juggling brides, venues and suppliers who could all call or email at any time of day (or night!) to confirm a detail or to ask a question, and they will expect you to be on the ball and respond with an answer.
All planners will have their own individual way of working but will all follow similar disciplines – They will all have a separate file for each couple they are working with that includes all their contact details and key information about their wedding day i.e. the ceremony venue and time, so at a glance they can remind themselves of the details. The way this file is created will be different for each planner; it may be a written file which is stored in a filing cabinet or be an electronic file on a computer. Then within each file there will also be details of each supplier as and when these are confirmed and the services/products they are providing your clients.
It’s all in the details.... and being organised will ensure all the correct details are recorded and stored in the right place so they can be found quickly.
And it’s not just organising the details of your couples, you will also need to record and store details of all the suppliers in your local area, over the years as a planner you will collate hundreds of contacts from photographers to entertainers and you need to find a way of organising this information so when a new couples for example asks for a caricaturist to perform at their wedding – you can quickly dig out the contact information of the great caricaturist you met at a wedding fayre 3 years ago...  
I have really only touched on the subject of ‘how to get organised’, it is certainly one of the most important parts of being a planner and ensures you manage your own business and time well, record all the correct details for each wedding, create useful documents to support and aid the planning of your clients weddings such as spreadsheets and time lines and enables you to create a useful database of contacts and suppliers.
To learn more about ‘how to get organised’ book you place now on the 2 day ‘Planning & Coordinating a Wedding’ training course.

Next weeks Top Tips from the Experts: Building a successful network...

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