Thursday, February 2, 2012

Planning & Coordinating a Wedding Training Course

Last weekend was the Planning & Coordinating a Wedding two day training event... a fantastic weekend which involved a supplier visit and a venue viewing... Here are a few pictures from the event...
With thanks to Casa Hotel & Weddings By Dragonfly for their involvement 

Delegates hard at work! 
Supplier visit to Weddings by Dragonfly 
Understanding your customer: Visualising their day 
Venue Visit: Casa Hotel 


  1. Sure the wedding planning training must needed for everyone and it will helps to plan their won wedding. Really needed information for every humans and thanks for your sharing

  2. It is important to trained and get a certificate by wedding planning college. The newly engaged people also want to see the qualification and requirements when planning their dream wedding. Those who are willing to plan the wedding by themselves due to some reasons. They may use the free wedding planner iPad app for an assistant help of wedding planning.

  3. I am also an event coordinator and have organized loads of events in New York and got an assignment to organize a wedding in LA. Have never been there so looking for suggestions of best Los angeles wedding venues in budget.
